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Review of Long Vowel CVCe Resources

Next week, my students will be reviewing the Long Vowel CVCe pattern for word study.  I'm taking the week off from making games, and I'm going to use some games I already have found and/or made.  Just in case some of you would like these same games, I'm giving you the links to where you can find them.

First, we'll play The Silent E in Space game that I made last year.  This game is already a big hit with my students.  You can get your copy by clicking the picture below.

If you click {here} you can go the ProTeacher website (love this site) and download a FREE Magic E Uno game.  You'll need to scroll down the post a little bit and then you'll see the game and directions.  I actually downloaded this game last year but never played it with my students.  We'll try it out this coming week.
Mrs. Wills Kindergarten has posted a Back to the Barn: CVCe Game on TPT.  I downloaded this game a few weeks ago but haven't cut it out yet.  That will be on my list to do for this weekend.  Click on her button to take you there.  By the way, Mrs. Wills does have tons of cute games on her TPT site (and some are free).  I would definitely check her stuff out!
You can click {here} to download 2 free CVCe games from Adrian Bruce. He also has other games listed on his site and tons of phonics posters.  I hadn't planned on using these but figured I would share the free resources.

If I get really adventurous this weekend, I may try to make some kind of picture sort.  However, I may just take the weekend off.  I don't know about anyone else, but I'm exhausted.  I need a break already, and we're not even through the 1st nine weeks!
Graphics by Scrappin Doodles.

Long U CVCe Freebies & Autism Advice Needed

I have a 3rd grade student with autism who is the sweetest boy.  He doesn't have any behavior issues and is seriously one of the cutest kids I've ever meet.  However, he is in his own world a lot.  During small group instruction, I have to prompt him many times to stay on task and keep working.  During whole group instruction, he's really not with me.

His oral and reading comprehension is fairly low.  He can decode ok, but the words really don't have much meaning for him.  When I'm instructing class, he's staring into space a lot and not following along.  If he is following along, I feel like a lot of times there's just no way he can comprehend what I'm trying to explain (for example: complete sentences, comprehension strategies, science in the gen ed class).  The gen ed teacher is seeing the same thing in her class.

I really don't know how to best instruct him or reach him.  If any of you have any suggestions or advice for me, I would really appreciate it!  I want to do the best I can to make him successful; however, I don't really know where to go from here.

Now onto the freebies.  This week we'll be doing the Long U CVCe pattern.  Can I just say that I despise teaching Long U patterns?  Seriously, this is my least favorite pattern.  The Long U sound sounds funny to me.  I feel like it's hard for kids to get.  The words aren't very common and they're not very many of them.  So this is one unit that I struggled to come up with stuff.  Anyone else feel this way about Long U?

Don't Be Rude!
Short U & Long U CVCe Game

Short U and Long U CVCe Word to Picture Match

You might also like this game:
Surfer Dude!
Short U & Long U CVCe Game

Don't Be Rude graphics from Microsoft Office Clip Art
Surfer Dude original artwork from Whimsy Primsy
Short U & Long U Word to Picture Match original artwork from Scrappin' Doodles

Treading Water & Long O CVCe Games (freebies)

Does anyone else ever feel like you're just treading water trying to get by?  Our students came back to school on August 22nd, and it has been so busy!!!  I've been so overwhelmed with paperwork, meetings, schedules, students' needs, collaborating, assessing, teaching, etc., etc.  Not to mention that my husband left for a 2-month training the day after school started, so I have been going solo with the 5 kiddos for the last month.  Ahhhh!!!!  That's what I feel like doing anyway!!!

My Daily 5 reading plans haven't really worked out like I had hoped.  I honestly haven't even attempted to build any reading stamina or do much independent reading.  I have several students with autism that have a very, very hard time focusing and paying attention.  They have a hard time focusing during guided reading and direct instruction.  I'm spending a lot of time redirecting and prompting them to stay on task even when we're at the small group table, and I can't imagine them being able to focus enough for independent reading.  I guess I've been afraid that it would be an impossibility for these students.  Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?  Should I try it anyway?  If you have ANY tips for helping keep these students on task or focused, I would greatly appreciate it!

I had mentioned back in the summer that I was afraid I would be making my word study games the weekend before we used them.  Well, guess what?  We're studying the Long O CVCe pattern this week.   Today, I made the games!  This not looking like a good start.  Will I be spending every Saturday making games this year?  I know I won't have to do that next year, because the games will be made, BUT it's a lot of work this year.  I need to find some way to get ahead.

Now onto the fun part that I know you're waiting on.......the free games!!!  There are 3 this week.  So far this year, my students favorite game was the Long A Go Bake! game.  What game have your students enjoyed the most?

Click on the picture to get your own FREE copy!

Roping Up Long O Game
Long O CVCe Game with Recording Sheet

Go Home Farmer Stone!
Short O and Long O CVCe Board Game

Give a Dog a Long O Bone
Word to Picture Match with 2 Recording Sheets

Original clip art for Give a Dog a Long O Bone can be found at Scrappin' Doodles.  Original clip art for Rope Up Long O and Go Home Farmer Stone can be found at Digi Scrap Kits.
