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November Currently

Well, like usual, I'm late to the party!  So better late than never I guess, I'm linking up to Oh' Boy 4th Grade's November Currently.

Listening: Does anyone else watch Sons of Anarchy?  I don't but my husband does.  I don't get it.  Why do the people always look so dirty on the show??? :/

Loving: Right now, I'm taking a 2-day workshop on about how to differentiate instruction with struggling readers who have persistent difficulties.  Today was the first day.  Nothing too ground-breaking so far but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow.  I'd really love some ideas about teaching decoding and sight words that will stick with my students!  The best part is......LUNCH with adults and not with students and at a restaurant.  Oh so nice!

Thinking: Overwhelmed......way overwhelmed!!!  We move in 36 days.  :( But I'm trying to be positive because we're going to beautiful Hawaii.  Still excited but leaving here is very hard.

Wanting: The laundry and house cleaning battle is definitely a loss for me right now!  I just can't keep  

Needing:  I so need a good book to get lost in that requires little brain power.  Does anyone have recommendations?

Music: I love the song For the First Time by The Script.  I know it' been out for awhile, but I still love it.

So I promise I'll be back soon to update on the Whole Brain Teaching, my training, new stuff I've made, and all the other stuff.


  1. If only there was someone to keep the house clean and the laundry done... someone free at least! I'm with you sister!
    Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  2. That is the best part of workshops isn't it - getting to eat lunch without little kiddos!? I always look forward to professional development days just for the relaxing lunch break :)

    - Sasha
    The Autism Helper

  3. I am so tempted sometimes to buy those Groupon deals for housecleaning!! But then I worry they would do such a great job and it would be filthy agin in three days!!! Try not to stress to much about the move. You will be her sitting under a palm tree sippin' Mai Tai's in no time;)

    Surfin' Through Second

    1. Thanks, Corinna! I'm starting to feel much better about the moving and leaving my job situation. I'm looking forward to the future and new adventures ahead! And I'm hoping there's a school there that might need a special ed teacher mid-year. Keeping my fingers crossed! If not, I guess I'll need to spend the days sitting at the beach while the kids are at school!


  4. وتعمر فرشات النوم فترة أطول من الوسائد، إذ يفترض التخلص منها واستبدالها بجديدة بعد خمس أو 10 سنوات، إذ يمكن للفرشة عالية الجـودة أن تعمر بين تسـع و10 سنوات، إلا أنه غالباً ما يفضل تبديل الفرشة بعد خمس أو سبع سنوات في حال شعور الفرد بعدم القدرة على النوم، إذ بينت دراسة أميركية من جامعة أوكلاهونا أن معظم الأفراد الذين قاموا باستبدال فرشات النوم بأخرى جديدة بعد خمس سنوات، تمكنوا من النوم بطريقـة أفضل، كما واجهوا آلاما أقل في الظهر.
    شركة تعقيم بمكة
    شركة تعقيم بالمدينة المنورة
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  5. I also don't, but I will. Today I am searching for my dissertation research work, but now my brain isn't working to explore more, so I am thinking to buy dissertation UK-based.

