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Five for Friday ~ May 31

I've been pretty absent lately.  We've wrapped up the end of the school year here in Hawaii a week ago.  I can't believe how fast the first week of summer has gone.  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to show you what we've been up to in sunny Hawaii.

1.  We spent Sunday at our favorite beach with our crazy dog and awesome neighbors.

2.  On Monday, we spent the day snorkeling at Hanauma Bay.  It's an awesome place and a must see if you visit Oahu.  You can check it out more by going {here}.

3.  By Monday night, I had a sick little girl running a fever and in a lot of stomach pain.

4.  We ended up in the ER on Tuesday.  The docs at the local ER were pretty sure it was appendicitis.  We had resolved ourselves to the fact that our little girl would need surgery as we were transferred to the Army hospital here.  Once we got admitted, they questioned the appendicitis diagnosis.  Turns out she just had a really bad stomach virus but we still spent the night in the hospital and she got lots of IV fluids.  It was pretty traumatic for everybody but at least we avoided surgery.

 5.  I was so happy to get my new Eric Condren Teacher Planner in the mail yesterday.  I LOVE this thing.  It was almost too pretty to write in!  I need to get some new fancy pens in different colors for sure.


  1. I hope your little girl is feeling better! I love your new planner!
    Fun in ECSE

  2. I love love love Hanauma Bay!!! I can't wait to get back! So I arrive the 4th and TWD's start the 30th??? YIKES! I better hear something soon! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

  3. Glad your little girl is feeling better! Your beach pictures are beautiful. I hope to go back to Oahu soon!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  4. I'm so glad your little girl is doing better! Enjoy your family time on the beautiful beaches! :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

