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Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Sleigh Full of Goodies Blog Hop

I'm so excited to link up with some great blogs who are giving away freebies!  After all, it is the season of giving now that we're officially into December.  Yikes, that means Christmas is coming soon!

First, I'm linking up with Beth at Thinking of Teaching for her Sleigh Full of Goodies Blog Hop.  

And, I'm linking up with Teaching My 3 for her Twelve Days of Teacher Freebies.

For my freebie, I'm giving away a Reindeer Making Words activity and a Gingerbread Kids Sight Word Game that you can download from my TPT store by clicking on the picture.

Don't forget to head back to Thinking of Teaching for Day 2 of the Sleigh Full of Goodies blog hop!

Happy downloading everyone!!!
