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Showing posts with label Classroom Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Classroom Pictures. Show all posts

Two for Tuesday ~ Phonics Games

Hi everyone! I'm linking up with Cyndie from Chalk One Up for the Teacher for 2 for Tuesday! It's a great day to stock up for upcoming school year since these are only $2!

I've got two of my favorite resources for you guys today.

I have just revised one of my students' favorite phonics games, the Magic E game. I love using games with my students in small groups and as an independent center. This game is perfect if you have students who struggle to read words like can and cane. I have included 32 pairs of words like this. To make this multi-purpose in my classroom, I've also included sorting header cards and a recording sheet.

I'm also marking down my Touch Point Math Posters to $2. Using touch points has been a life saver for some of my students who really struggled with fact fluency! I keep these posters up all year long, and many of my students refer to them frequently.

Make sure you check out some of the other awesome $2 for Tuesday deals!

2 for Tuesday - Alphabet Charts and Fluency Task Cards

While in Vegas, I was super lucky to meet Cyndie from Chalk One Up for the Teacher. She is seriously one of the sweetest ladies ever. If you haven't checked out, her blog you should! She shares fabulous ideas there.

This summer, Cyndie is hosting a 2 for Tuesday link-up. It's a great way for you to score some great products for only $2!

Today, my Clip Chart in Bright Colors is only $2. I used this in my classroom a few years ago. You can click {here} to see all the classroom pictures from that year.

You can purchase this clip chart for $2 {here} or by clicking on the picture below.

I also love using my Short Vowel Phonics Fluency Task Cards with my students. My students think they are so fun and don't even realize they are practicing reading. During small group, I usually have my students read a few cards as a warm-up. They will read the cards to themselves, turn and read to their partner, and then switch.

These are also only $2 today and can be found {here} or by clicking on the picture below.

Don't forget to stop by the link-up and see what other great products are out available for 2 for Tuesday.

Public Service Announcement: Teacher Hoarders

I've taught in a few schools in a few different states (thanks Marine Corps!).  One thing I've noticed is that some teacher are HOARDERS!!  Oh man, do some teachers like to hold onto things for a long, long time.

I was just offered a 2nd grade SPED resource position, so I'm back full time again.  There might be only a few months left in the year, but I can't stand a cluttered classroom.  I've been slowly going through things and throwing junk away.  I'm pretty sure the custodian hates me already!  

So far I've found some interesting things.

This play dough with MOLD on it might be the most surprising thing yet!  Yikes!  How long does it take for play dough to grow mold?  Scary!

A rice cooker and a toaster oven is something you don't see in a classroom everyday.

This blast from the past that I found last year was pretty awesome though!  Man, I loved He-Man as a kid!  Too bad there wasn't a SheRa book though.

I also found some pretty outdated curriculum.  Do we need to keep work books that are almost 20 years old?  

And oh man the worksheets.  Tons and tons and tons of worksheets.  I'm sure there was good intent to use these worksheets, but it just didn't work out.  Please, recycle that paper!  And I have one word of advice to leaving, transferring, retiring teachers.  Throw the worksheets away.  I know you mean well but most teachers don't have time to dig through old worksheets and see what's useable.  Most of us will find our own thing that fits our teaching style anyway.

If you think you might be a teacher hoarder, look around your room and think about what you can throw away or donate.  I've only made a small dent in cleaning out my new room, but I will get it done!  I don't know if I should be scared or excited about the possible finds that are lurking in my 4 floor-to-ceiling cabinets!

Teaching Without a Classroom

Last year, I told you guys about the hard decision I made to leave my teaching position and take a leave of absence.  You can read about that {here}.  One thing that experience taught me was that sometimes you really do have to close one door for a better door to open.  My leave of absence gave me the opportunity to take a part-time intervention position at the same school my sweet friend, Courtney from Teaching in Paradise, works. 

Let me tell you, I love the hours.  Part-time is perfect for those of us that have families and spouses with demanding jobs.  Even better though, I love the students, staff, and school.  I've been able to fall in love with teaching again!

Although there are some logistical challenges to my "classroom".  Much like every school, there just isn't extra room for intervention teachers.  Since we're in Hawaii and get to benefit from this amazing year-round weather, I teach at a picnic table outside.

This is my classroom.  

 A little unusual and does make for some different obstacles to overcome compared to what you would face in a classroom.  But we make the best of it everyday, and I'm constantly reminded how teaching is all about being flexible.  :) 

The big thing is I HAVE to stay organized, and I really had to think about what supplies I really need on a daily basis.  First thing was to order a super cute 31 bag to store all my stuff.

This bag has been a lifesaver!  I keep all the stuff I use everyday inside the bag.

 I've tried to keep a consistent routine with my intervention groups, so I can use the same type of supplies.  Inside the bag, I keep these things:

1.  A wooden chart stand that has a pocket chart on one side and dry erase board on the other.

2.  My The Next Step in Guided Reading by Jan Richardson book.

3.  Making Words folders for building words.  You can find out how to get the cover page and the letter tiles {here}.

4.  My Erin Condren lesson plan book.  Love that thing!

5.  My small group materials binder with all of the pages I use for word work.  You can read a post about those pages and find out how to get your freebies {here}.

6.  Dry erase boards and markers.  I use baby socks for erasers.  :)

7.  A binder where I keep all of my curriculum guides and materials we're currently using (like math pages and reading passages).  I love these pocket folders to keep all of my groups neatly organized.

I use all of the pockets to store things that are smaller like pencils, pens, and all of my Fluency Task Cards.

So there you go!  A little glimpse into my "classroom".  And this just goes to show that sometimes a little thinking outside of the box can help you come up with alternative solutions to get things done.  Now if only I could make the VERY large cockroaches and ants go away!  :)

Come Check Out My Classroom!

I've been back at work a few days and figured it was about time I showed you some updated pictures of my classroom.  Plus, my sweet friend Corinna from Surfin' Through Second is having a Classroom Theme Linky Party that I couldn't pass up.

This summer I kept seeing all the really cute chalkboard themes going around the blogging community, and the cuteness really grew on me.  Plus, I have this hideous red floor that I needed to somehow how work into a theme.  

You can see for yourself below this horrible red floor!  Whose idea was it to put that in a classroom anyway?

Here's my calendar area.  I really love this board.  My Whole Brain Teaching class rules can be downloaded for free {here}.  I love the calendar set I'm using from Growing Kinders.  

 I also love this bulletin board (please disregard the fuzzy IPhone pic).  The top pictures are Hawaii's  General Learner Outcomes that can downloaded {here} if you happen to be a Hawaiian teacher.  My color word posters can be found {here} and I have another version found {here}.  The glue bottles are another freebie from The Teacher Wife that can be downloaded {here}.

These Chalkboard Touch Point Number Posters can be found {here}.

I love my Chalkboard Alphabet Cards that can be found {here}.

I redid my word wall cards to match the images in a new intervention decoding program we are using.  I love these, but I don't know if anyone else uses the Sonday program.  So I haven't uploaded these to my TpT store.

I also organized all of my books by topics.  It's been much easier this year already.  You can find my Chalkboard Book Labels {here}, but I haven't included the letter cards yet.  I'll try to get those added in this weekend.  And boy do I need to bring in my camera to take better pictures for you guys.  Maybe I can remember to do that this weekend!

Don't forget to stop by Surfin' Through Second to see everyone else's rooms!

Classroom Makeover (the beginning)

School starts tomorrow for Hawaiian teachers, so it's time to get back in the swing of things.  I've been up to my room a few times to start working.  I got to move into a new room this year (yeah for no more sharing!).

But that means, I walked into this.  When I opened the door, I found this.  Not looking too bad!

But then I looked at the other side of the room and found all this piled up!  That's a lot of stuff that needs to be organized and put somewhere.

I haven't gotten much done yet, but I did at least get my bulletin boards covered.  I absolutely adore these borders.  I used flat black sheets from Wal-Mart.  Best part was that they were only $4.61 each.  I love hanging charts and student work on black backgrounds. 

I didn't get much done after I hung borders, because I have a billion books.  Seriously, it feels like a billion.  What in the world, will I do with all of these books?  There's WAY too many.  I pretty much left my room just like this today.  I gotta get really busy tomorrow and figure out something to do with these books.  Any suggestions?

Make sure you check back tomorrow, because I'm joining in a Hawaiian blog hop with freebies.

Five for Friday

I don't know about you guys, but I'm happy it's Friday.  It makes me even happier that it's a 3 day weekend!!!!

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday link up.

Here's a snapshot of my week:

Since my printer isn't here yet (but it does come on Monday!!!), I had to hit Office Max to print stuff.  Their quality is great, but at $0.66 a page it does add up!  And look at that stack I needed printed off. 

 Here's one small corner of my new classroom.  Ummmm yeah.......can you say CLUTTER!  Goodness, my anxiety skyrockets when I walk into the room.  The teacher I'm sharing the room with is on board with cleaning up (THANK GOODNESS).  We've already throw TONS of stuff out.  Seriously, something was copyrighted in 1956.  

 Check out this blast from the past, I found in my room!  Talk about going back to my youth.  I never expected to find a He-Man book.  If only, I had been able to find a She-Ra book.......maybe there's one in there.

I plan on redoing things and making the classroom look nice, clutter-free, and organized.  Here was my first (and only) start.  There's A LOT of work to be done!  I figured posting the class rules was the first thing thing that needed to be done.  Please ignore that the rules are crooked.  I've started the Whole Brain Teaching rules, and the kids are catching on so fast.  Amazing how much more they learn with movements.  If you're interested in downloading my rules for free, click {here}.

And for some reason, I can't make this large space disappear.  :/

A parent brought in caterpillars for the Kindergarten classes.  I brought mine home for the weekend.  I was worried that this little fella (he was hanging from the top) wouldn't make the drive home.  When I stopped, I looked and he was changing into a chrysalis RIGHT before my eyes.  So cool!  I've never seen that happen before.  I hope more change this weekend, and we have butterflies soon.

I hope everyone has a good weekend.  I'm working on some shape and measurement anchor charts.  I hope to have them done and a blog post up this weekend.

October Currently, Made it {some}day, & Other Stuff!

Well, that's one heck of a title, huh?  Since school started, the blogging has obviously dropped!  Just too much to do and not enough time.  That's why I'm loving October's Currently from Oh' Boy 4th Grade.  She's gotten me motivated to make a post!

So I'm super excited about the changes in my body since I started going to boot camp in July.  It's a GOOD problem that I need new clothes.  It's not good that I feel kinda dumpy and like I have a saggy rear end all day.  I think a shopping trip needs to happen ASAP!

Can you believe our district doesn't give us Columbus Day off?  Ughhh!  My husband (a Marine) even has the day off.  I'm going to try and see if I can find a sub and maybe take Monday off, too.  Anyone else have to work on federal holidays?  Double ugh!

I know I'm breaking the rules with my book......but it was just released at the end of September.  So that sorta makes it almost an Octoberish book, right?  I LOVE J.R. Ward and this is her latest in the Fallen Angels series.  I've just started reading it and so far so good!

I've also been meaning to do a Made it Monday post hosted by 4th Grade Frolics.  But I can never seem to get it together to actually make the post.  So today, I'm having a Made it {some}day post!

At the beginning of the school year, the art teacher sent out a school-wide email saying she had some free easels to give out.  I was ALL over that.  I've been needing an easel to use during whole group and to put my chart paper on.  Well, this is what she had to give away for free!

 Well, I knew I could make it into something great!  I took the paint covered chalkboard and white boards off.  I went to Home Depot and bought some new whiteboard (it was like $13 for a sheet).  They'll even cut it for you for free!  I then sanded the frame down, primed it, and painted it white.  I bought the cute polka dot duct tape from Wal-Mart and put it around the edges.  Then my husband helped me screw the new whiteboard onto the frame.  And now VIOLA!  I have an awesome chart that I can write on as a white board or use for my chart paper.  Which is great because I use the heck out of some chart paper everyday!  This is the new and improved easel!

 Another thing on my to-do list FOREVER was to make these Making Words folders, which I saw on Pinterest.  Teacher Bits and Bobs has the template for the letters for FREE!  I used these today in one of my small groups and it was so much easier than finding/counting out the letters that everyone needed.

I know it's sideways, but you get the idea.  I made the front cover and you can download it for free by clicking on the picture.

I've also been working on some Halloween and Thanksgiving stuff for my classroom.

I made this super cute Hocus Pocus sight word game.  It has words that are typically taught in 1st grade.  One of my dear followers requested I made some games with harder sight words.

I also used the same words to make this Gobble, Gobble sight word game that I just finished today.

And I'm really excited about these Common Core aligned Candy, Candy, Candy math centers.

And wow, I should really post more often!  That was a WHOLE lot in one post!  I hope everyone is hanging in there this school year!
