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Showing posts with label Currently Linky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Currently Linky. Show all posts

July Currently

July!!!!  Say what?!?!  Slow down summer, I don't want you over just yet.  Teachers go back to work on July 28th in Hawaii.  Wahhhhhh!!!  I don't even want to think about school yet.  But I guess the days will just keep on coming so I better enjoy the heck out of the last few weeks I have off!

I'm linking up with Oh Boy 4th Grade for her July Currently.

Listening: Hubby and I are trying to watch The Leftovers, new HBO series, but our cable is being super glitchy.  Ugh!  I'm undecided on whether I like it or not.

Loving: I've joined a new bootcamp class with some of my friends.  It's kicking my booty every morning, but I'm enjoying the heck out of it.  Plus, I'm feeling so much stronger!

Thinking: This has been a fabulous summer break.  I so don't want it to end!  My family went to Kauai in June.  It was AMAZING!  

It was beautiful!

We jumped into tide pools!

We jumped off piers!

And had the best quality time!

Seriously, go to Kauai if you can!  Best vacation ever!

Wanting: New workout gear.  I really need new stuff to wear.  Any favorites?

Needing: More clean eating recipes.  I'm trying to use summer to try more recipes and add some favorites to our usual rotation once I go back to work.  I've been collecting recipes on Pinterest {here}, but I'd love to hear some of yours.  

4th of July Plans: We'll be BBQing with our neighbors.  I'm gonna "try" to eat healthy but no promises.

How's your summer going?

November Currently and the Giveaway Winner

First, I have to announce my Creative Teaching Press giveaway winner.  Halloween made this week CRAZY, and I didn't get to it yet.

Linda, please check your email for more details.  :)

Now onto Oh' Boy 4th Grade's November Currently.  I seriously love these!

Listening:  I had a moment of weakness and agreed to let the neighborhood kids sleepover.  What was I thinking?  They're still on a candy high.  (They are also reading this over my shoulders).  :/

Loving: My 10 year anniversary gift from my hubby.  So happy he upgraded my ring!  I can't stop looking at it.

And just because, I'm throwing in this picture.  He deserves a shout out on my blog since he got me this awesome ring.  This is us at the Marine Corps ball last weekend.

Thinking: I'm soooo tired!  Seriously, wore out this week.  Really, Halloween on a Thursday?!

Wanting: Someone to walk my dog, actually dogs.  But the cute fluffy one is mine and the big one is my hubby's.  Aren't they freaking cute???

Although, it's raining and I really don't want to walk them.  If I don't walk them, I'm sure I'll come home to this.  Who knew how much fun 50 page protectors could be??

Needing: Something to help with comprehending word problems.  I know it's a Friday night, and I shouldn't be thinking about work.  But yeah, I am.  My kids just don't seem to understand word problems.  They see 2 numbers and add those suckers right together no matter what it says. Anyone got any products or hints to help with this?

A yummy pin:  OMG, they are so yummy that I made them TWICE this week.  And super easy!  I ate WAY too many!  You gotta try these Cheddar Bay Biscuits by Slow Roasted Italian.

October Currently

I'm finally on top of things, so I can participate in Oh' Boy 4th Grade's October Currently.

Listening: I don't actually watch Sons of Anarchy but my husband does.  Even though, I've kinda gotten sucked in this year.  Anyone else watch this show?

Loving:  Fall Break is next week.  I'm super excited to spend our days sitting on the beach and hiking with the kiddos.

Thinking:  I've really got to start exercising.  Ugh.  

Wanting: JR Ward (one of my favorite author's) just released her newest book today, Possession.  Come on Fall Break so I can sit on the beach and read!

Needing:  Oh my word, do I need a haircut!!!  I have an appointment on Friday and can't wait!!  I'm trying a new place, and I'm super nervous.  I sure hope they're good.

Trick or Treat:  I just love all the ghost poop pictures I've been seeing on Pinterest.  I really wanted to make these this year, so I set off to find a freebie tag for the bag.  I was in luck, because Mighty Delighty has a super cute one {here}.  How adorable is this??

Happy October everyone!  I can't believe it's fall and the holidays will be here soon!

June Currently

It's a new month and time to link up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her June Currently.

1.  Everyone has raved about Dexter, but I never watched it.  My husband bought me season 1 for Mother's Day.  We just started watching it and now I'm hooked.

2.  So glad it's summer break.  My first week didn't start off too great with my daughter being in the hospital, but at least I wasn't worried about planning for a sub while I sat with her.

3.  I'm leaving tomorrow to head back to FL for a week.  I haven't packed a thing!  I need to get busy.

4.  We haven't had as much beach time this week as I would like.  Once I get back from FL, I have to get busy!

5.  You must good books, 30spf sunscreen, and yummy drinks for a good vacation!  I'm looking for something new to read now.  Any suggestions? 

May Currently

Yay!!!  It's May!!  That means I'm soooo close to summer break.  And it means that it's time to link up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her monthly currently.

May also happens to be my favorite month, because it's the month of my birthday!  Woohooo!

I'm loving this Survivor season!  Does anyone else watch this season?

Now that we've moved into base housing, my kids can play for HOURS every day after school.  There's a TON of other kids their age here and a park at the end of our cul de sac.  It's seriously soooo nice.  This is what life is supposed to be about.  I do need to figure out a way to eat dinner before 7pm though!  I see a lot of sandwich nights in our future until  summer break starts.

Is anyone else EXHAUSTED?  I am seriously wore out.  Every day it's a huge effort to get out of bed and drag myself to work.  I am just wore out.

I cannot wait for summer.  My oldest daughter is graduating high school.  How in the world is that even impossible?  I'm so excited to spend my days at the beach, reading good books, and taking naps.  The best part is that my best friend is coming to visit us for 2 whole weeks in July!  So excited to show her Hawaii!

Only 17 more days left of this school year.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed they pass quickly with way less tantruming, hair pulling, scratching, and hiding under tables than I've had the last 2 days from one of my students.

April Currently

Yay!  Oh Boy 4th Grade's monthly Currently is up.  

This is perfect, because I so need a distraction from lesson planning and thinking about going back to work tomorrow.  :(

So I just spent the last 2 weeks on my BEST spring break ever.  I seriously, seriously do not want to go  back to school tomorrow.  I've got 35 teaching days left of this year.  This year has been SUPER hard for me.  I guess it was the moving, leaving mid-year, getting a new job mid-year, trying to figure out the new school, etc., etc.  It's just been really tough.  I'm trying to remain positive and just try to get through the end.

I don't know where or what I will be teaching next year, but I feel hopeful that better things are to come.  I took this spring break to spend time with my family, enjoy this beautiful island, and work on finding balance.  That's something I really need to try harder on in my everyday life.  

While I go forward with the rest of this school year, I'm going to try and focus on the positive things around me.  When all else fails, I'll try to focus on this!  What other better place to spend my time and recharge?  We sure were lucky to spend our Easter on this amazing beach.

March Currently!

I know I'm breaking the rules with 2 blog posts in one day BUT I can't pass up Oh' Boy 4th Grade's Currently.

So here's my March Currently.

Listening: Oh to be young again and entertained by flashlights!  Love those kids! :D

Loving: Seriously, so glad it's Friday.  :)  This was week NOT good. :(

Thinking:  It's Friday night and I'm already stressing about work on Monday.  This is not good.  I have to stop!  :(

Wanting: 10 more teaching days till Spring Break.  And yes, I have an end of the year countdown, too. :/

Needing: My husband dropped his surfboard on my printer.  I really want a super nice laser one now.  I think he owes me.  ;)

Like, Love, Hate: Well what can I say.......A is a hard letter to use!  :P

Make sure you stop by and link up with Farley for Currently March.

Five for Friday, February Currently and a Sale!

I love Friday, because well it's Friday!  And because I get to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday.  Even better is that it's also time for Oh' Farley's February Currently.  Seriously, both on the same day?  Loooooove!

1.  Last Sunday, I went to Whole Foods to pick up a quick dinner.  After I got there, I realized my "slippers" (what Hawaiians call flip flops) were 2 different shoes.  :/

2.  One day this week, I walked by my 7-year-olds room and saw this......her staring at herself in the mirror for an EXTENDED period of time.  Seriously, she didn't even know I was there while I took the pic and watched her.  I'm beginning to be concerned about her teenage years.

3.  One of our chrysalis finally turned into a butterfly!  We got to release this one on Wednesday.  I have more chrysalis left.  I hope the rest of them turn.  I have 2 possibles for the weekend.

4.  This is my crazy Great Dane, Harley, in her stand-off with a HUGE snail.  This was as close as she would get to the snail but was having a fit.  I do believe the snail won the round since Harley was terrified.

5.  These AWESOME social story books by Julia Cook came this week.  I read about them on The Lower Elementary Cottage's blog and knew I had to have them.  We already read The Worst Day of my Life EVER!  I seriously love them!!  They go along perfectly with the rules and skills I'm trying to teach all day.

Now onto the February Currently.  I so look forward to them every month!  I love reading what others put on their Currently's.

Is anyone else as exhausted as I am?  By Friday evening, I don't want to do ANYTHING.  But somebody really needs to do some laundry around here.  I guess that someone is me but I just don't wanna!  

Let's talk about pet peeves.  One thing that drives me BONKERS is when kids put their arms in their sleeves and/or stick their knees in their shirts.  Does this drive anyone else crazy?  I feel like the this pet peeve may not even be rational, but it is soooooo annoying to me!

I'm also excited to announce that on Sunday my TpT store will be 20% off all day.  If you use the code SUPER, TpT will give you another 10% off for a total of 28% off!  I'm really excited about this big sale, because that means I can stock up on a ton of things on my wishlist.  Shhhh....don't tell my husband but I have over 100 things on that list.

Thanks to Ashley Hughes for this adorable graphic.

Currently January.....and an update

It's my favorite time of the month!  I love Oh' Boy 4th Grade's monthly Currently!  The move had me without internet for a few days, so I was so disappointed that I couldn't do January's right away.

So here's the update on the big Hawaiian move.  We've been here 3 weeks now.  The place is BEAUTIFUL!  Right now is the rainy season so it has been raining a good bit.  But this is not a bad way to spend winter, at all!

So here's the bulleted update of how we're doing:

1.  We moved out of temporary lodging today into a rental house today.  The wait for base housing is 5-9 months.  We were so fortunate to find a house that will let us rent month-to-month AND let us have our dog.  

2.  Our dog is still in doggie jail (aka the kennel) but hopefully we'll be setting her free in the next day or so.  We sure do miss her.

3.  Our car is sailing over the ocean as we speak.  We shipped it over 3 weeks ago but it's not here.  :(  We did buy a 2nd car for a good price once we got here.  However, one car isn't enough to get us all around, so we're still shelling out the dough for a rental car.  Double :(

4.  Our stuff is sailing over the ocean right now, too.  Including our express shipment which doesn't really seem so EXPRESS right now.  I can't even begin to tell you how much I want all my stuff.  My comfy bed, my comfy couch, my comfy pillows...oh come on ship!  Sail faster!

5.  I GOT A JOB!!!  Yeah!!!!!!  I'll be doing Resource for K-1.  I don't know very many details about the job, but I'll know more tomorrow.  I officially start next Monday, but tomorrow I'll go in to observe and meet some people.  So more details to follow.  I will say that if you're special ed and thinking about moving to Hawaii........there are job openings!!!  WOW!  I got a TON of calls for interviews after I already accepted this position.  If you're looking for a job, make sure you check out my post about Teacher Interview Questions.

This weekend we went up to the North Shore, because there were 20 foot waves.  So freaking cool!  Here's a few pics.  Disclaimer - these are random surfers.  I have no idea who they are!

I love this pic of my kids.  It looks like they're running from the big waves.

As for my one little word....I chose time.  Time is something I need to work on.  I need to make better use of my time at home and at work.  I want to spend more quality time with my family.  I need to make time to take care of myself.  2012 was a super stressful year for me.  I want the time in 2013 to be better spent and more enjoyable.

December Currently

Yes, I know that it's bad blog etiquette to post twice in one day but Oh Boy 4th Grade's December Currently is out!  Yeah!!  And I'm not even late this month!

So the main focus in our lives right now is that we're moving to Hawaii in less than 2 weeks.....did you hear that.......less.than.2.weeks!!  We've been overwhelmed and stressed for weeks.  

So much to do, so little time.  Yesterday was my last day at work.  Sad, very sad.  :(  More on that to come later.  It's good I'm off work though, because there is sooooo much to be done!  Yikes!  We have movers coming in 4 days, so we have to get everything already for them.  We have to get our car to New Orleans to ship there.  We have to buy luggage!  We have to set aside the stuff that will not go with the movers so that it can go in the luggage I haven't bought yet.  We have to get the dog on a plane to fly there.  We have to get school physicals and TB tests for the kids.  

Oh man, it's pretty overwhelming.  I know it's going to be awesome when we get there.....but right now we're in overload central.  Wish us luck that we can get everything done and get us, our stuff, our car, and dog all there in one piece!   

November Currently

Well, like usual, I'm late to the party!  So better late than never I guess, I'm linking up to Oh' Boy 4th Grade's November Currently.

Listening: Does anyone else watch Sons of Anarchy?  I don't but my husband does.  I don't get it.  Why do the people always look so dirty on the show??? :/

Loving: Right now, I'm taking a 2-day workshop on about how to differentiate instruction with struggling readers who have persistent difficulties.  Today was the first day.  Nothing too ground-breaking so far but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow.  I'd really love some ideas about teaching decoding and sight words that will stick with my students!  The best part is......LUNCH with adults and not with students and at a restaurant.  Oh so nice!

Thinking: Overwhelmed......way overwhelmed!!!  We move in 36 days.  :( But I'm trying to be positive because we're going to beautiful Hawaii.  Still excited but leaving here is very hard.

Wanting: The laundry and house cleaning battle is definitely a loss for me right now!  I just can't keep  

Needing:  I so need a good book to get lost in that requires little brain power.  Does anyone have recommendations?

Music: I love the song For the First Time by The Script.  I know it' been out for awhile, but I still love it.

So I promise I'll be back soon to update on the Whole Brain Teaching, my training, new stuff I've made, and all the other stuff.

October Currently, Made it {some}day, & Other Stuff!

Well, that's one heck of a title, huh?  Since school started, the blogging has obviously dropped!  Just too much to do and not enough time.  That's why I'm loving October's Currently from Oh' Boy 4th Grade.  She's gotten me motivated to make a post!

So I'm super excited about the changes in my body since I started going to boot camp in July.  It's a GOOD problem that I need new clothes.  It's not good that I feel kinda dumpy and like I have a saggy rear end all day.  I think a shopping trip needs to happen ASAP!

Can you believe our district doesn't give us Columbus Day off?  Ughhh!  My husband (a Marine) even has the day off.  I'm going to try and see if I can find a sub and maybe take Monday off, too.  Anyone else have to work on federal holidays?  Double ugh!

I know I'm breaking the rules with my book......but it was just released at the end of September.  So that sorta makes it almost an Octoberish book, right?  I LOVE J.R. Ward and this is her latest in the Fallen Angels series.  I've just started reading it and so far so good!

I've also been meaning to do a Made it Monday post hosted by 4th Grade Frolics.  But I can never seem to get it together to actually make the post.  So today, I'm having a Made it {some}day post!

At the beginning of the school year, the art teacher sent out a school-wide email saying she had some free easels to give out.  I was ALL over that.  I've been needing an easel to use during whole group and to put my chart paper on.  Well, this is what she had to give away for free!

 Well, I knew I could make it into something great!  I took the paint covered chalkboard and white boards off.  I went to Home Depot and bought some new whiteboard (it was like $13 for a sheet).  They'll even cut it for you for free!  I then sanded the frame down, primed it, and painted it white.  I bought the cute polka dot duct tape from Wal-Mart and put it around the edges.  Then my husband helped me screw the new whiteboard onto the frame.  And now VIOLA!  I have an awesome chart that I can write on as a white board or use for my chart paper.  Which is great because I use the heck out of some chart paper everyday!  This is the new and improved easel!

 Another thing on my to-do list FOREVER was to make these Making Words folders, which I saw on Pinterest.  Teacher Bits and Bobs has the template for the letters for FREE!  I used these today in one of my small groups and it was so much easier than finding/counting out the letters that everyone needed.

I know it's sideways, but you get the idea.  I made the front cover and you can download it for free by clicking on the picture.

I've also been working on some Halloween and Thanksgiving stuff for my classroom.

I made this super cute Hocus Pocus sight word game.  It has words that are typically taught in 1st grade.  One of my dear followers requested I made some games with harder sight words.

I also used the same words to make this Gobble, Gobble sight word game that I just finished today.

And I'm really excited about these Common Core aligned Candy, Candy, Candy math centers.

And wow, I should really post more often!  That was a WHOLE lot in one post!  I hope everyone is hanging in there this school year!
