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Showing posts with label Printable Tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Printable Tutorials. Show all posts

Making Clickable Links on PDF Files for Mac Users

I have to say that I LOVE my Mac!  My husband talked me into spending the money on one about 3 years ago when I was in grad school.  I'm soooo glad he did!  I would never go back to a PC after using a Mac.  It was worth every penny.  However, sometimes it takes me awhile to figure out how to do things on a Mac.  It does seem like there's always a way I just have to figure it out.  

It took me awhile to find the answer to this dilemma, but I now know how to make a clickable link on a PDF file on my Mac.  I would always put the links in my Powerpoint document but the links would get lost once I saved it as a PDF file.  I thought I was going to have to break down and buy Adobe (way too expensive).  There is a solution though!

*Edited to add - If you have updated your Mac to Mountain Lion, this will no longer work.  The new update has taken this feature away from Preview.  :(

So if you have the same problem, check out this video tutorial to solve it!

I hope you can find this useful!

If you're interested in my Beginning Sounds Activities, you can click on the picture below to go to my TPT store.

Changing Borders to Frames: Tricks of the Trade #2

If you guys are anything like me, you're always on the lookout for cute frames to make your teaching products more attractive and appealing.  However, I had made the mistake of buying several products that I thought were frames but found out they were borders after the purchase.  This latest addition of Tricks of the Trade #2 is going to show you how to change some of your borders to frames.

If you don't know the difference, a frame typically has a white background in the middle that makes it easier to add text and pictures on.  A border has a transparent middle so that your text and pictures can still be seen.  Sometimes I want just a border, but most often I like to use frames.  

Here's an example of a border I bought and wanted to use but it didn't work right for this file.  You'll see the red arrow is pointing to a cute border but my text and pictures don't look right on the blue dotted background. 

If you click on this tutorial, I'll show you how I changed the border and made it into a frame.

Once I got done with the tutorial, my cover page now looks like this.  Now my text is easier to read and it looks more appealing.  And best of all, I don't feel like I wasted my money buying a border when I really wanted a frame!

Kinder-Craze has a great tutorial on how to add a favicon on your blog.  I did mine yesterday.  I believe I have it working (even though I can't see it myself).  Can anybody see if I have a brown puzzle piece on an aqua background as my favicon?  If you want to add a favicon to your blog, check out the tutorial by click on her button.

I'm kinda enjoying myself making these tutorials.  I have a few in mind that I want to make during the next few weeks.  Does anybody have any requests of things you might like to see?  I hope you're all enjoying your summer and not sweltering too much in this heat!
