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Linky Party and a Blog Slacker

Yes, I have been a Blog Slacker. Between the trip back home to visit my amazing nephew, a stomach virus in the house, and a case of lazy summer days, I have been neglecting my poor blog. Luckily, Yearn to Learn is having a really cool Linky Party, and my blog got highlighted.  This was just the kick in the pants I needed to quit being so lazy and get back to blogging.  Plus, I have tons of plans in my head, and I need to get them completed before school starts.

In our Linky Party, we have to find:

1.  A blogger who is a "New Kid on the Blog"
(Let's say someone who has blogged 2 months or less and has less than 200 followers)

2.  Post a blogger in your same grade level

3.  Post a blogger in a different grade level

4.  It's all about the button. Find a cute blog button and post it.

My apologies

I know I was supposed to host the Book Whisperer 2 days ago, and I haven't yet. My sister just had her first baby (and my first nephew!), and I made a trip home to meet him. Please forgive me for not hosting yet. I promise I will host it in the next day or so (and I'll add a freebie!). Now I need to get back to enjoying my family.

A Birthday Means Gifts (Freebie)!

Someone is having a birthday this week!!!  It's Miss Kindergarten's birthday week!  You don't want to miss out on the FABULOUS birthday giveaway she's hosting on her blog.  Click below so you can enter.

And what would a birthday be without presents!!!  So in honor of Miss Kindergarten's Birthday, I'm giving all of you my Long A CVCe Unit.  My students need a lot of practice with phonic rules in isolation.  While the gen ed students learn all of the Long A vowel patterns at once, my kids need to practice with the rules one at a time.  So I created this unit to help.  You will find a game, making words activity, word to picture sort, decodable passage that focuses on Long A CVCe words, and an assessment.  I hope some of you can find this useful.  And please let me know if you would be interested in more units like this.  I have plans to do other phonic rules this summer if others could use them, also.

Click on the pictures to get your FREE copy!
